02 Feb

Kreator “Gods of Violence” Album Review

For a band formed more than 30 years ago, Kreator sure don’t show any restraint from their age. Their new album Gods of Violence, is a masterful composition of music.

The album starts out with a nice, short intro that pulls you into music. It then proceeds to take you to the first full length song “World War Now,” an amazing song filled with speed and dynamics.

It doesn’t slow down there, the next few songs are filled with superb licks and progressions. Songs like “Satan is Real,” and “Totalitarian Terror” are both amazing songs that will make you want to press the replay button for hours on end.

But Kreator doesn’t only play speed filled riffs. They also take a slower and heavier turn with songs like “Gods of Violence,” and the last track “Death Becomes my Life.” Both songs showing Kreators ability to write impressive music.

If you want to look at quality of the music, you won’t have to look for long. You can hear on every song that the band has given it their all, with each instrument coming out in its own unique way.

Overall, Kreator takes you on a roller coaster of songs through the whole album leaving you satisfied by the end. Their are undoubtedly perfect songs on this album, but there aren’t any bad ones either, the whole thing fits together smoothly.

Kreator made an album that will hold up as one of the best of 2017, while also joining the list of bands to release amazing music in 2016, and 2017.

Final Rating 8.5/10

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